Friday, May 3, 2024, 12:04 AM
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Glossary: Mr. A's Glossary


The usually humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more of its meanings or the meaning of another word similar in sound; a play on words. (e.g., the substitution of the slogan visualize world peace with visualize whirled peas).

pyrrhic foot

a two-syllable foot, both syllables unstressed.


a four-line stanza


Suitable or fit to be relied on; trustworthy.


The point in a literary work at which the chief dramatic complication is resolved.


An adjective-noun pairing generated by a change in the meaning of the base noun, usually as a result of technological advance

  • watch became pocket watch due to introduction of wrist watch
  • pen became fountain pen due to introduction of ball-point pen
From Greek retro (=backward); coined by Frank Mankiewicz.




The stage of the writing process in which one considers and improves the meaning and underlying structure of a written draft.


A method used in writing or speaking in which language is used to device influence or persuade an audience.



rhyme scheme

using letters to show the arrangement of rhyme, such as ababcdcdefefgg for a sonnet


A vowel and any following consonants of a syllable, as /ook/ in book.

Rime Royal

seven lines of iambic pentameter, rhyme scheme ababbcc.

root word

In a complex word, the meaningful base form after all affixes are removed. Note: A root may be independent or free, as read in unreadable, or may be dependent or bound, as -liter- (from the Greek for letter) in illiterate.

round character

A character who is complex and multi-dimensional.


An authoritative set of rules which can be used as a means of evaluation.


A literary technique in which ideas, customs, behaviors or institutions are ridiculed for the purpose of improving society.


The extent of an author's treatment of a subject.

secondary source

A source that is reporting on or analyzing information from another source.


The division of words into syllables; the minimal units of sequential syllables speech sounds comprising a vowel sound or a vowel-consonant combination, as /a/, /ba/, /ab/ and /bab/.

sensory details

Details perceived by sight, hearing, smell or any mode by which one perceives stimuli outside or within the body.


The arrangement in which things follow in a logical order or a recurrent pattern; a following of one thing after another in time.


The time and place of the action of a literary work.

Shared Inquiry discussion

In Shared Inquiry discussion, participants help one another search for answers to fundamental questions raised by a text. Participants come to the discussion each with their own unique way of viewing the selection and then build on their personal views through a sharing of ideas.

The leader's role in this process is to provide direction and guidance for the discussion by asking questions for which they genuinely do not know the answer. Note that the leader is not an expert; the group should not look to the leader for answers. The leader assumes the role of co-learner and helps the group by asking interpretive questions that have more than one possible answer based on the text. The leader also assists the group by asking follow-up questions that encourage participants to clarify comments, support ideas with evidence from the reading, and comment on proposed interpretations.

The Four Rules of Shared Inquiry Discussion

1. Only those who have read the selection may take part in discussion.

Participants who have not read the selection cannot support their opinions with evidence from the text, nor can they bring knowledge of the text to bear on the opinions of others.

2. Discussion is restricted to the selection that everyone has read.

This rule gives everyone an equal chance to contribute because it limits discussion to a selection that all participants are familiar with and have before them. When the selection is the sole focus of discussion, it provides a base for all present to judge whether facts are accurately recalled and opinions can be supported by the reading.

3. All opinions should be supported with evidence from the selection.

Participants may introduce outside opinions only if they can restate those opinions in their own words and support the ideas with evidence from the reading.

4. Leaders may only ask questions-they may not answer them

The goal of a Shared Inquiry discussion is interpretation. As a participant in the discussion, you will gain more if you remember to:

• reserve judgment until you can claim understanding

• temper your urge to speak with the discipline to listen

• substitute your impulse to teach with a passion to learn

• hear what is said and listen for what is meant

• marry your certainties with others' possibilities

from The Great Books Foundation

. Leaders help participants and themselves to arrive at an understanding of the text by asking questions that prompt thoughtful inquiry.


Supplementary information that is printed alongside the main text.

sight word

A word that is immediately recognized as a whole and does not require word analysis for identification.


A figure of speech in which a comparison is made between two unlike things using the words "like" or "as" (e.g., she's as sly as a fox).

A simile uses the words “like” or “as” to compare one object or idea with another to suggest they are alike.
Example: busy as a bee

skim and scan

To examine or read something quickly, but selectively, for a particular purpose.


A speech, usually given alone on stage, in which a character speaks aloud his or her thoughts.


the manipulation of language sounds