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The reverse of producing an acronym; taking a word which already exists and creating a phrase (usually humorous) using the letters of the word as initials

  • Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anybody (BANANA)
  • Guaranteed Overnight Delivery (GOD).
• From back(wards) + acronym.

bait and switch

A tactic in which a customer is attracted by the advertisement of a low-priced item but is then encouraged to buy a higher-priced one.


a quatrain alternating iambic tetrameter in lines one and three with iambic trimeter in lines two and four. The rhyme scheme of a ballad is abcb.


A fallacy in which one is attracted to a popular party, faction or cause that attracts growing support; following the crowd rather than using evidence to justify a conclusion.


An inclination of temperament or outlook; a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment.


To combine the sounds represented by two or more letters to pronounce a word such as /gr/ in grow; to combine two or more words


A prewriting technique in which students, either alone or in groups, jot down all words or phrases that come to mind on a topic to expand the range of available ideas, to solve a problem or to clarify a concept.